Fire Map, Hummus Recipe, Acorn’s 31st, and Emerald City

by Raven

As usual, this is a summary of our Facebook posts from several weeks back. At that time, Twin Oaks was still dealing with the reprecussions of the fire.

The fire that effected Twin Oaks was started by a neighbor and burned a large area that included Twin Oaks conference site and their industrial area (also called Emerald City or EC). It also came with in a few feet of their Tupelo residence. This hand drawn map shows how far the fire spread.

Surprisingly, this wasn’t a particularly well viewed post. It got five cares and seventy-seven views.

East Wind Nut Butters published a hummus recipe using their tahini.

Here’s a link to the recipe.

This got four likes and a care (the care was actually from East Wind Nut Butters), one comment, and a hundred and one views.

Acorn turned thirty-one this year and while I don’t think that’s such a big deal (especially compared to East Wind turning fifty), Acorn took lots of pictures and made a bunch of posts about it. We’ve already covered some of the posts, including one with a lot of pictures, but here’s more.

This got six likes, a love, and a hundred and twenty-nine views.

Finally, many people have worked over the years in the Emerald City industrial area, and a number of ex-Oakers came by for what I’m sure was a memory filled brunch and tour.

This got seven likes, four loves, and a hundred and thirty-one views. RIP EC.

Fire Map, Hummus Recipe, Acorn’s 31st, and Emerald City

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