Anniversary, Art, Organic Gardening, and May Day

by Raven

This reflects the second week where most of our Facebook posts lacked images. We didn’t too badly on Facebook, but we didn’t do great either.

It was East Wind’s fiftieth anniversary this year (here’s pictures from it) and East Wind’s main business had to mark it on their site, which we, of course, reposted.

Unfortunately, this did the least well of any of the posts this week, having only three likes and a love and less than a hundred views.

This was a slow week for the communes posting so here are two posts from Acorn (which tends to post more than any of the other communities these days) which was split on Facebook by a repost from this blog about Twin Oaks’ cows.

The first Acorn repost was about them painting pictures on the ceiling of their smoke shack.

This did well enough of Facebook, with three likes and a wow and a hundred and thirty-six views.

The other one was a picture of three folks and a rainbow, with a wish.

This also did just okay with four likes and a hundred and thirty-one views.

Finally, from Twin Oaks (the second most frequent community posting) comes this poster about their May Day celebration.

This again, just did okay, with a single love and just over a hundred views.

Anniversary, Art, Organic Gardening, and May Day

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