Communities Conference, Acorn Cats, Cooking Dinner, The Queer Gathering, and a Question

by Raven

I postponed this update last week for a recap on the Twin Oaks fire, so now we are well over a month behind on what was posted on Facebook.

And things can change significantly in a month. The first post was about the Twin Oaks Communities Conference, what I think of as one of the most important community networking events that happens all year. Of course, when this was posted, no one had any idea that the Conference site would soon be destroyed. Hopefully the Conference is still happening, but we will see. Here’s what we posted:

Usually, I’m bummed when a post gets less than a hundred views, but Facebook has been awful when we post events so this time I was pleased that this post almost got a hundred views. It also got eight likes.

At Acorn, it was a post about a couple of cats, one of which is named Fight Club.

Well, I was wrong that Fight Club was named when cats weren’t allowed in Acorn and a reader wrote to correct me:

This got seven likes, four loves, and a ha ha, not to mention an impressive 226 views. I guess that’s the benefit of showing cute cat pictures.

Twin Oaks has a large dining hall, a busy kitchen, and usually serves dinner on time. Here a picture from the process one day.

This got three likes, two loves, two wows, and a care, as well as over a hundred and sixty views.

The Twin Oaks Conference site also hosts the Queer Gathering (and the Women’s Gathering). The same week that the Communities Conference announced registration, so did the Queer Gathering. They might even be more affected by the fire because the Queer Gathering is held several weeks before the Communities Conference.

Maybe because of the way I worded the Facebook intro, FB didn’t recognize it as an event. Or maybe some other reason, but this post did the best we’ve done for an event, with well over a hundred views, as well as five likes and two loves.

Of course, as I’ve said many times, if you really want high viewer numbers, post a provocative question on Facebook from time to time. This time it was about families, and children, and communities.

Of course, there were a bunch of comments–but not that many (six) considering. Here’s what folks thought.

But, in spite of the small number of comments, and only seven likes and a love, we certainly got views. Over four hundred of them. I guess maybe people are more interested in the question than the answers.

Communities Conference, Acorn Cats, Cooking Dinner, The Queer Gathering, and a Question

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